Why Become A Dry Eye Specialist?

Because There’s A Need

Dry eye symptoms are the most common reason why people head into their eye doctor’s office.

Almost five million Americans over the age of 50 have visited their eye doctor with dry eye symptoms, with the highest incidence among post-menopausal women.  Aside from being annoying and uncomfortable, when left untreated, dry eye can cause light sensitivity and blurred vision.  Also, dry eyes are more susceptible to scratches or infection.

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition. In most cases, dry eyes can be treated successfully, usually resulting in noticeably greater eye comfort, fewer dry eye symptoms, and, occasionally, sharper vision as well.

How To Recognize Dry Eye Syndrome

The most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome are burning, pain, and redness in the eyes. There are other common symptoms that include watery tearing or stringy mucus in the eyes, the feeling of having sand in your eye, and/or blurry vision. And you may find that your eyes get tired faster than they used to or that you have difficulty reading, sitting at the computer, or using another device for long periods of time.

Although it’s uncomfortable, dry eye syndrome almost never causes permanent vision loss.

Why Eyes Get Dry

Tears have three layers – an oily outer layer, a watery middle layer, and the inner mucus layer. If the glands that produce these different elements of your tears are inflamed or don’t produce enough water, oil, or mucus, it can lead to dry eye syndrome. For example, when oil is missing from your tears, they evaporate more quickly, and your eyes cannot maintain a steady supply of moisture.

Our eyes have several sources of moisture. One is the lacrimal gland, located in the upper outer quadrant of the eye. This is the gland that produces buckets of tears if you cry or get something in your eye.

Another source of moisture is the network of glands embedded in the conjunctiva (the white surface of the eye and the undersurface of the eyelids). This network of glands produces water and mucus

The glands at the edge of the eyelids produce an oily substance which are another form of moisture.

The combination of water, mucus, and oil from these last two sources make up the tear film on the eye surface which the eye needs to see properly. Basically, each time you blink, you reapply a fresh wet surface.

If My Eyes Are Dry Why Are They Always Tearing Up?

Good question!

The lack of moisture caused by dry eye syndrome irritates your eye which sends a distress signal through your nervous system for more lubrication. Your body then sends a flood of tears to try to make up for the dryness. Unfortunately, these tears are mostly water and not the tri-level tears your eyes need to function, so they don’t solve the problem. These are the tears that show up if you get a foreign object in your eye. They can wash debris away, but they can’t coat your eye’s surface like it needs.

Who Gets Dry Eyes

As indicated earlier, age is a contributing factor to dry eye syndrome. The following underlying conditions can also increase your risk:

  • chronic allergies (or the side effects of allergy medication)
  • thyroid disease or other conditions that push the eyes forward
  • lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other immune system disorders

What Happens When I See the Dry Eye Specialist?

After describing your symptoms, work, and lifestyle, you’ll undergo tests that examine the amount of tears in your eyes. After considering all the information and test results, Dr. Emmert-Buck will begin a course of treatment to solve your dry eye syndrome.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you can feel better! Make your appointment with the Dry Eye Specialist today!

“Aging Eyes” Solutions

Jennifer is an avid hiker, gardener, and kayaker. At her consultation she told Dr. Emmert-Buck that she doesn’t like that her eyes are “getting old before I am.” She doesn’t like having to carry around reading glasses to read a map while hiking. She doesn’t like having to grab her glasses to take a closer look at the buds in her garden. Basically, she doesn’t like having to deal with glasses at all. She came in to discover what her options are.

Perfect Candidate

After a thorough eye exam, Jennifer was diagnosed with presbyopia and hyperopia, making her a perfect candidate for RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange). Presbyopia (or Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome) is a naturally occurring age-related condition.  The eye’s natural lens becomes more firm and inflexible, diminishing its ability to focus on near objects. It affects nearly everyone, and generally becomes more noticeable after the age of 40. Hyperopia (farsightedness) explains Jennifer’s ability to see far down a hiking path while not being able to see a map clearly.

Refractive lens exchange (RLE) replaces your eye’s aging natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

The Right Lens

Jennifer was surprised to hear that she had options within RLE. In fact, there is no “one size fits all” solution. She and Dr. Emmert-Buck discussed a few different choices.

  • Monofocal fixed-focus IOLs – These lenses provide clear vision at distance, intermediate, or near ranges, but not all three at once.
  • Multifocal IOLs – A multifocal lens that provides clear vision at multiple distances.
  • Accommodating IOLs – A type of monofocal lens that enables focus at multiple distances by shifting position in the eye.

Any of these lenses can be placed in one eye only, combined with your natural vision or a different IOL in the other eye. This type of lens solution can give you a greater range and depth of vision.

 The Procedure

The procedure for refractive lens exchange is virtually identical to cataract surgery. It usually takes about 15 minutes and performed on an outpatient basis. Each eye is done separately, generally about a week apart.

Numbing anesthetic drops are used, so there is typically no discomfort. Most people report vision improvement immediately after surgery, and most return to work and resume driving within a week of surgery. Normal, everyday activities can usually be resumed after one week.

Final outcomes of refractive lens exchange can take up to several weeks.

Jennifer’s Concerns

While she likes the idea of a surgical solution, Jennifer expressed concern about an artificial lens placed permanently in her eyes. Dr. Emmert-Buck explained that you don’t feel an IOL in your eye, similar to the way that you don’t feel a dental filling. And since the lens implant is inside your eye and not on the surface like a contact lens, no one can see it.

Jennifer likes that an IOL is a permanent replacement for her natural lens and is designed to last the rest of her life. Recent studies show at least 80% of patients do not need glasses after RLE surgery, depending upon the lenses implanted.

After The Surgery

Within a week Jennifer was back working in her garden.  She was back to her other favorite activities two weeks after the final surgery. “I can’t believe I waited so long to do this,” she said. “But I’m so glad I did it at the beginning of summer and am able to really enjoy hiking and kayaking again.”

Schedule your appointment today! 

Don’t Let Your Luck Run Out

Did you hear the story about the ….

Twenty-nine-year-old guy who was blinded by parasites after he showered while wearing his contact lenses?

Thirty-four-year-old man who developed an infection and blurry vision in his eyes after sleeping in his contacts?

Fifty-seven-year-old woman who needed a corneal graft from the infection she obtained from wearing her contacts for weeks straight?

Fifty-nine-year-old man who – you may want to sit down for this – developed a large gaping hole in his cornea after wearing his contact lenses for continuous days on a hunting trip? (By the way, his eyesight never completely recovered.)

We’re Not Knocking Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a viable choice for a lot of people. And they are definitely a step up from glasses – they offer better peripheral vision, and don’t collect precipitation or perspiration like glasses do. And here’s some fun trivia for you: in 1964 Lyndon Baines Johnson became the first U.S. President to appear in public wearing contact lenses. Under the care of a physician, of course.

Contacts are also great for athletes and anyone who needs to wear specialized glasses or goggles.


But there are definitely rules to follow when wearing contact lenses. And the longer you wear them the greater the risk of something going wrong if you aren’t diligent with your habits. And, unfortunately, the longer one wears them the less diligent one tends to be.

I Know What I’m Doing

If you wear contact lenses you know how it goes; you fall asleep in them or accidentally wear them for a day (or two!) longer than you are supposed to and …. nothing happens! Sure, you know the warnings, you’ve heard the stories, but – you think – it won’t happen to me. It didn’t happen to me. I’m diligent 90% of the time. But it’s that 10% that will get you.

It’s A Slippery Slope

Once you’ve slept in your contact lenses, or worn them longer than you are supposed to, it becomes easier and easier to make bad decisions concerning your lenses. A 17-year old girl developed a permanent scar on her cornea after sleeping in lenses she bought from a chain store. Another woman didn’t see her eye doctor for five years; she kept refilling her contact lens prescription online and then ended up with an infection. And don’t even get us started on those “decorative” lenses and the damage they can cause unless they are treated with the utmost attention to detail.

If you’re not regularly seeing your eye doctor or are not very hygienic (or are living with someone who isn’t very hygienic) your risk for eye infection or damage increases dramatically.

You Have Options

When you consider all the time, and money, and risk that you incur every day with your contact lenses, doesn’t it make sense to at least check out what other options might be available? At first glance, corrective eye surgery might appear expensive. But so is a trip to the emergency room. Or visit after visit to your eye doctor to clear up a persistent problem caused by improper use of contact lenses. You have one pair of eyes. How much are they worth to you?

Let’s Talk

Dr. Leslie Emmert-Buck is the expert in vision correction surgery. She knows which questions to ask to figure out which surgery may be right for you and your lifestyle. She has changed countless lives all over the East Coast and in Michigan and wants you to live the rest of your life with the best vision possible. Schedule your appointment today!


How to Choose the Right LASIK Surgeon

We’re All Different

Everyone’s eyes are different and everyone has a different attitude toward surgery. Some people know they need it, but are scared nonetheless. Others are ready to dive right in, without even asking any questions! Some people rely on what their doctor recommends without seeking a second opinion, and some people read everything on the Internet and ask the opinion of everyone they know before they schedule an appointment.

Meet Julie

Julie heard about Dr. Emmert-Buck through a friend and read all of the patient testimonials on the Capstone Vision website and Facebook page before she even called to schedule an appointment. She showed up with a list of questions (that she had to put on her glasses to read), and was pleased that all of her questions were answered and all of her concerns addressed. Not only were her general questions about eye surgery answered thoroughly and thoughtfully, but Dr. Emmert-Buck also took the time to explain all the details in reference to Julie’s specific vision problems.

Julie’s Big Surprise

Julie was shocked when Dr. Emmert-Buck had just as many questions for her; about her lifestyle, her hobbies, her occupation, where her vision has been, and how it has changed. Dr. Emmert-Buck thoroughly explained the benefits and risks of LASIK surgery and made sure that Julie understood them before moving on. She asked if Julie had any questions or concerns about the equipment that would be used, and made sure Julie was aware that she would be getting a thorough pre-op examination and surgery on the most up-to-date technology available. And, as Dr. Emmert-Buck is experienced with many procedures, including LASIK, PRK and RLE, she and Julie were able to discuss which procedure would give Julie the best results.

Her Biggest Concerns

Julie didn’t want to pressured or rushed into surgery, and she wanted to be sure that she would see her eye surgeon on her follow-up visit, and not be handed off to an associate. Those two items were non-negotiable. She said they would make her feel like a number, like another notch on a surgeon’s tally. Dr. Emmert-Buck assured Julie that the decision – if and/or when – was totally up to her and also that she would be there for all follow-up appointments, not an associate. Dr. Emmert-Buck believes that when it comes to eye surgery everyone should get the best vision, not the best deal. Julie left her appointment with a thorough understanding of how her eyes work, or how they are not working, and which surgery would give her the best possible outcome. She was also encouraged to call if she thought of any additional questions.

What Makes Julie Special

At Capstone Vision what makes Julie special is the same thing that makes every patient special. Everyone is treated like Julie, with time and attention given to every detail, every question, and every concern. Dr Emmert-Buck believes in comprehensive high quality vision care delivered with care and compassion. She knows that everyone is different, with different issues, concerns, desires, and that all of these must be addressed for the best possible outcome.

Your Eyes Deserve The Best Treatment

Why would you accept any less than the best possible treatment for your one-and-only pair of eyes? Schedule your appointment today to see what options are available to you for your best possible vision.



Hey Guys, We Love Your Eyes!

One Appointment Solves Two Problems

Rick’s wife scheduled an appointment for Rick with Dr. Emmert-Buck when she got tired of Rick borrowing her glasses every time he needed to read something. In his mid-40s, Rick had always had great vision but now was at the point where he needed (but was in denial about needing) reading glasses. During the appointment, Dr. Emmert-Buck asked Rick if he has high blood pressure and he told her that it has been “on the border of high” for a few years. Based on the condition of the blood vessels in his eyes, Dr. Emmert-Buck recommended Rick see his general practitioner – where he discovered that his blood pressure had crept into the “high” zone since his last appointment.

June is Men’s Health Month

Studies show that, compared to women, men are more likely to smoke and/or drink, make unhealthy and/or risky choices, and put off regular checkups and medical care, thus making those first two items even more problematical. Encourage the man in your life to pay better attention to his health.

It’s Not Black or White

Did you know that men are 16 times as likely as women to be colorblind? As many as eight percent of men of Northern European heritage suffer from the common form of red-green color blindness. Color blindness is inherited, and carried in the X chromosome. It can be present at birth, begin in childhood, or not appear until adulthood.

Color blindness can make it difficult to read and understand color-coded information, like charts and graphs, maps, or even traffic lights. It takes a color-blind person an extra second to calculate the light by position instead of color. It can also affect everyday tasks like cooking meat to the correct temperature (by sight) or choosing ripe produce. Small children with color blindness may not eat a healthy diet because food looks unappealing.

Treat Your Eyes Like Your Feet

You don’t wear the same type of shoes for all the different activities that you do (you’re not going out for a run in your oxfords – we hope), and Men’s Health Magazine suggests you ask your eye doctor for custom lens prescriptions (or ask about LASIK) for the different devices you use. If you’re on the computer all week, your eyes will need a different prescription on the weekend when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors.

Dr. Emmert-Buck is an expert at listening to her patients and taking their goals and lifestyle into consideration when prescribing eye treatments.

Work Hard Play Hard

Because men are more likely to play dangerous sports or do labor-intensive work, they tend to be at greater risk of accidental eye injury. Men are also more likely to forego protective eyewear and that makes them three times more likely than women to incur an eye injury.

Play those sports, attack those projects – and make sure your eyes are protected. Schedule your comprehensive eye exam at Capstone Vision so you know the best option for you.

Keep Those Eyes Healthy

There are plenty of simple ways to maintain your eye health.

  • If you are working on a device with a screen for several hours, every twenty minutes look away from it and focus on something in the distance.
  • Eat nutrient rich foods.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Use safety eyewear.
  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection.
  • And stop “borrowing” your wife’s glasses.

Eye Safety and the Best Father’s Day Gift

You love your dad, and you want him to be safe. And we all know that dad – sometimes – will jump into a project or activity before he is fully prepared. We’ve all seen the mid-project run to the hardware store, right? This let’s-get-right-into-it attitude can sometimes lead to injuries, including eye injuries.

And, let’s face it, sometimes dads can be hard to shop for. How many golf balls and neckties does one man need?

The solution to both of these issues: get dad a pair of safety glasses/goggles for Father’s Day.

Stop Eye Injuries Before They Happen

Wearing the right protective eyewear may help prevent 90 percent of eye injuries. Eye injuries can happen during all kinds of activities: yard work, cleaning, playing sports, or while doing a home improvement project. And most injuries happen because people do not take the time to properly protect their eyes with goggles, safety glasses with side shields, or even sunglasses.

What To Look For

Look for goggles or safety glasses that have a tint to reduce sun glare, light-filtering capabilities that make it easier to see certain colors (like yellow tennis balls), and polycarbonate lenses that stand up to sudden, sharp impact.

Injuries Happen

If your eye is injured, it’s tempting to think you can just flush it out with some cold water and all will be fine. However, you should always get immediate, professional medical attention. It’s not easy to judge the severity of an eye injury on your own.

Here are some first steps to take when an eye is injured before you seek professional medical attention.

Hit directly in the eye? Rest a protective shield – like a Styrofoam cup – on the bone around your eye, making sure there is no pressure on the eye itself. Seek immediate, professional medical attention.

Get something in your eye? Do not try to remove it. You may accidentally tear delicate tissue or force the object deeper into your eye. Rest a protective shield – again, like a Styrofoam cup – on the bone around your eye, making sure there is no pressure on the eye itself, then seek immediate professional medical attention.

Hit in the area near your eyes? Place an ice pack, package of frozen vegetables, or a cold cloth over your eye. Even in cases where trauma seems minor, every eye injury should be given medical attention.

Has your eye has suffered any kind of chemical burn? Rinse with fresh water for 20 to 30 minutes. Hold your head under a tap or use a clean container to pour water into your eye. Use your fingers to hold your eye open as wide as possible and roll your eye to make sure the entire eye area gets rinsed. Get immediate, professional medical attention.


It might seem silly to wear protective goggles or eyeglasses, especially if the project seems quick and easy. But easy projects can be more dangerous than they appear and it only takes a second to do irreparable damage to your eyes.

Quality safety goggles are worth the investment. Polycarbonate lenses are best because they are lightweight but resist scratches and breakage. Goggles or glasses should fit snugly to your face and not have gaps for dust and debris can get into your eyes.

Don’t be cheap! Replace scratched or chipped glasses or goggles immediately. Scratches and chips can weaken the lenses.

Prescription glasses or sunglasses are not a substitute for safety glasses and goggles.

Pay attention to the wind direction. Even when protecting your eyes with safety glasses or goggles, it is important that you keep your face upwind and away from sprayers, flying debris, sawdust, etc.

Wash your hands carefully before rubbing your eyes or even touching your face. You can inadvertently transfer something into your eye from your hands.

Store safety goggles and glasses in a convenient, protected place so they are easy to find before each project

Don’t work alone. It is always a good idea to make sure that someone else is at home and available in case there is an accident. Keep a first aid kit and your phone handy as well.

Athletic Dad

Injuries can happen while playing sports just as easily as during projects. Make sure dad has the right eyewear for whatever activity he is doing. The right sunglasses will keep his eyes comfortable and protected.

Another Gift Idea

Show dad you care about his health and vision by making him an appointment to have his eyes checked. His future looks bright, make sure he can see every bit of it.

Getting In Shape For Summer? Don’t Forget Your Eyes

Spring is a great time of year  – with the flowers blooming and the school year ending – and many of us spend the season getting ourselves “in shape” for summer. Nothing wrong with that. But when you are thinking about what the pool water will do to your hair, and about getting fit to look good in your swimsuit, and about protecting your skin, don’t forget your eyes.

Here’s how to make sure your eyes are as ready for summer, looking just as good, and are as protected as the rest of your body:

Get sunglasses with complete UV protection.

Your eyes need to be protected from UVA and UVB rays which not only come from the sun, but can also cause damage when they are reflected off of water or sand. Too much exposure to UV rays can cause photokeratitis or photo conjunctivitis (more commonly known as “snow blindness”). Try explaining that at the 4th of July cookout.

Speaking of the 4th of July.

if you are the one setting off fireworks make sure you wear protective eye wear and follow all the safety rules. Accidents can happen.

Wear goggles when you swim.

Yes, that pool feels great. But the chlorine that keeps the water sparkling can damage your eyes over time.

Other protective eyewear.

If you are mowing the lawn, playing on a summer baseball league, or even trimming the weeds, make sure you wear the correct protective eyewear.

Don a hat.

Even if you wear sunglasses all the time, they usually have gaps along the sides where UVR exposure occurs. Your eyelids are thin and sensitive and can burn easily.

Drink more water.

During the summer you are more likely to become dehydrated. Serious dehydration makes it harder for the body to produce tears, which can lead to dry eye symptoms and other vision problems. Drinking plenty of water each day also provides fluid for normal eye function.

Address your allergies.

Spring and summer (and fall) bring lots of growing things that are shooting pollen into the air. They may cause your eyes may water or feel dry and itchy. Make an appointment with Dr. Emmert-Buck to make sure you have the right tools to address this problem and keep your from rubbing your eyes, which can cause further damage.

Get enough sleep.

It’s tempting to take advantage of every sunny moment instead of getting adequate rest. But skimping on sleep night after night can affect your visual acuity – which you need for important things like driving and taking care of your children. Also, when you are tired your eyes are more likely to feel dry, which may make you rub them more, which may expose your eyes to irritants or disease.

Make Sure Your Prescription Is Up To Date

Are you wearing prescription sunglasses? Schedule your appointment now to make sure they are up to date or to discuss your vision options. Maybe you can ditch that prescription. That’s like losing five pounds, right?

Umpires Aren’t The Only Ones Who Need Better Vision

Sure it’s cliché, but when it’s your kid out there on the field you want everyone involved to have the best vision possible.

And that includes you.

Is your kid in right field just a blur? Wait, is that even your kid? Are you missing part of the action because you can’t see it?

You get your kids’ vision tested every year. When was the last time you had a thorough vision exam?

Yes, you’re busy coaching little league, or driving your kids to tennis or track – but how good of a cheerleader can you be if you can’t really see what’s going on?

Is your daughter clearing those hurdles by one inch or five? Did you even see that lacrosse ball as it whizzed by?

Or maybe you’re missing the action because you’re constantly squinting because of the sun hitting your glasses.

When You Should Get An Eye Exam

Adults between the ages of 18 and 60 should have an eye exam every two years. You should also have an eye exam if you’re experiencing any of these:

  • Red, dry, or itchy eyes
  • Seeing spots, flashes of light, or floaters
  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Headaches or blurred vision after spending time in front of a computer screen
  • You find yourself holding reading material farther away from your face, or squinting or closing one eye to read
  • Difficulty following a moving target.

And you should get an exam more often if you:

  • Have a family history of eye disease
  • Suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Work in a physically demanding vocation or one that puts your eyes at risk
  • Take any medications that may have eye-related side effects
  • Have had any previous eye injuries and/or surgeries
  • Wear glasses or contact lenses

Why it’s important

A thorough eye exam can tell you a lot about not just your eyes, but also about your general health. A thorough eye exam can spot serious health issues like diabetes, lupus, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, as well as eye diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration. With regular eye exams you may catch a problem earlier and be able to avoid serious complications. And you’ll be setting a good example for your kids.

And here we are, back at sports.

Your kid may not be going to the Olympics, or playing Major League Ball but you don’t want to miss a second of their time on the field, or at bat, or crossing the finish line, or hitting the winning stroke.

We all know spring is a busy time – especially if you have kids. And it’s not just sports. You want to see every second of the school play, the concert, the graduation ceremony. Call and make your appointment today! After your Life-Long Vision Partnership exam with Dr. Emmert-Buck you’ll be presented with all your options for making your vision the best it can be. If you decide on LASIK, you’ll be back on the bleachers in just 3-4 days.

And yelling at the umpire to get some glasses!

Is Fear Keeping You From The Vision You Deserve?

Last Things First

These are the most common things we hear from patients immediately following their eye surgery:

     “That wasn’t that bad!”

     “Are we done?”

     “I can’t believe how fast that was!”

     “Why did I wait so long?”

     “I can’t believe I didn’t do this years ago!

The 99%

LASIK is the safest, most studied elective surgical procedure in the world. In study after study, 99% of patients are happy with the results of their surgery. No one has ever gone blind from LASIK surgery and even if a patient did experience any issues – they are correctible.


Thank You, Next

Many patients are disconcerted by the idea of staying awake during surgery. There is no need for concern. If necessary, you will be given medication to help you relax. The process itself takes less than five minutes per eye, and you will have a pillow (or a hand!) to hold. The average recovery time is 1 – 1 ½ hours.

Think of it like a rollercoaster. The worst part is the anxiety you feel before the surgery (going up the first big hill), and then it’s over before you know it.


But My Friend ….

Perhaps you know someone (who knows someone) who isn’t completely happy with the results of their eye surgery. Please tell that friend (or friend of a friend) to see Dr. Emmert-Buck. She wants every eye surgery patient to be completely satisfied. That is why she stays updated and uses state-of-the-art technology and educates her patients before, during, and after their procedures.

Unfortunately, not everyone is this conscientious. Some places don’t bother to use the latest technology. Some places don’t even have surgeons on staff; they schedule all their procedures for the week on one day and fly in doctors to perform the surgery so patients aren’t following up with their actual surgeon on their next visit.


Still Nervous?

See for yourself what Dr. Emmert-Buck’s patients have to say. Then make your own appointment. Maybe you will be the next one asking “Why did I wait so long?”

Winterize Your Winter Eyes

Why Do My Eyes Feel Worse in Winter?

Cold weather, harsh winds, sunlight reflecting off of snow, and more time looking at screens can all contribute to dry, scratchy eyes. Here are a few tips to keep your eyes in top-top shape – and they don’t involve crunches!

Use a humidifier – Heat tends to dry the moisture in the air and cause irritation and dryness in eyes.

Switch up your contact solution – Talk with your eye care provider about natural tears or a different solution to keep your contacts from drying out your eyes.

Bundle up – Wear a hat or hooded jacket to protect your eyes from the wind, dust, and debris.

Sunglasses are not just for summer – Sunlight reflected by snow can lead to sunburned eyes. Make sure your sunglasses and snow goggles block 100% of UV rays.

Wash your hands – Prevent the spread of the flu and eye-related illnesses like conjunctivitis (pink eye) by washing your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes.

Blink more – Our blinking slows down when we engage in any activity requiring dedicated visual attention (like a computer or tablet). One way to get around this problem is to blink more, so that your eyes produce enough lubrication in the form of tears.

Eat more fish – Cold water fish, like mackerel and halibut, are packed with omega-3 based essential fatty acids, which are considered helpful in retaining moisture in your eyes.

Drink more water – One of the best ways to fight dry eyes during winter is to keep yourself hydrated. You’re mostly likely not chugging down glasses of ice water like in warmer weather. Drink up!

Don’t rub your eyes – Sure, you might get some temporary relief. But you don’t know whether or not you had some harmful bacteria or virus making its way to your eyes.

Exercise your eyes (still no crunches though!) – Many people spend evenings out in nicer weather, but during the winter end up confined indoors, usually with eyes glued to laptops, TVs, and other screens. To give your eyes a break, remove your eyes from any screen and look at something at least 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds. This helps reduce digital eyestrain, which can eventually negatively affect your vision.